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Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Should Defendants Say No Thank You to Pleas?

You have no doubt heard the expression to cop a plea. Usually, people say that phrase with a certain amount of disdain, probably equating it with the also-familiar phrase to cop out. Surely, they think, people who are not guilty would never agree to say they are. I know I never would, they say. But […]

U.S. Supreme Court Considers Cell Phone Searches

It is difficult to imagine a more concentrated store of information than a modern cell phone. It seems doubtful that the framers of the Constitution — or even the justices of the Supreme Court several decades ago — could have imagined that a warehouse full of personal information could be stored on a device smaller […]

Record Number of Wrongful Convictions Overturned

The bedrock of the U.S. judicial system is the presumption of innocence. Still, there is a pervasive belief that anyone who is arrested must be guilty of something. Some people even implicate themselves by falsely confessing to a crime they did not commit. A recent report on exonerations — the dismissal of criminal charges — […]

Should Juveniles Be on the Sex Offender List?

In 2006, the federal government passed the Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act, which made funds available to states that adopted its recommendations. In 2012, Pennsylvania qualified with the Sex Offender Registration Notification Act (SORNA). Under SORNA, any sex offender over the age of 14 must submit to registration requirements for at least 25 […]

How Earned Time Programs for Inmates Are Helping Pennsylvania

Earned time is a concept taking shape in many states across the country to achieve important goals within state correctional systems, including: Reducing recidivism Managing growth in prison populations Improving living and working conditions in state prisons Controlling costs of incarceration Maintaining public safety In 2008, Pennsylvania enacted legislation allowing some inmates to shave as […]

Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine Allows You to Stand Your Ground

In 2011, Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett signed legislation amending the commonwealth’s laws of self-defense to strengthen the Castle Doctrine for home invasions and “stand your ground” for altercations in public places. There are many misconceptions about the principle behind “stand your ground,” especially in light of the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case during which the media […]

When Does a Person Lose the Right to Self-Defense?

This is a tricky question. Naturally, a person does not have the right to self-defense when acting unlawfully and threatening harm to an innocent party. A person cannot claim self-defense after robbing another at gunpoint if the victim also pulls out a weapon. However, are there circumstances where a victim who initially has a right […]

Balancing the Costs of Incarceration with the Goal of Rehabilitation

The United States seems to go through periods when the government cracks down on crime, arresting people and seeking imposition of jail time for even minor offenses. Then it swings to the other side, and we see those who should be incarcerated receive probation. To avoid overcrowding of jails and to keep costs reasonable, a […]

How Does Probation Work?

The possibility of going to jail is the biggest concern for most people charged with serious crimes. Being convicted of a crime and having a sentence with jail time imposed is frightening and life-changing. Your freedoms are eliminated and, while in jail, you are required to adhere to a strict set of rules and policies. […]

Hitting the Jackpot — Another Form of Addiction

There are drug courts for people with drug addiction issues. There are mental health courts for people with mental health problems. People convicted of domestic violence and driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol attend treatment programs as part of their probation in an effort to rehabilitate them. The addiction that receives little […]


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