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Monthly Archives: January 2020

Pennsylvania Training More Officers in Drug Recognition

Thanks to a growing Drug Evaluation and Classification Program in Pennsylvania, the state now has more officers trained in drug recognition than ever before, with many more expected to continue to take the course. So far, approximately 200 officers have completed the program. Officials say continued expansion is a priority for the state. The importance […]

What are the Elements of a Public Intoxication Charge?

Public intoxication is considered a criminal offense in many cases, and there are several elements that must exist for the prosecution to successfully secure a conviction in this type of case. Here are the main elements of a public intoxication crime: Being in public: For an incident to qualify as public intoxication, the person in […]

When Does a DUI Become a Felony?

Many DUI crimes are classified as misdemeanors, but when do the charges rise to the level of a felony? Each state has its own rules regarding DUI punishments, so it is important to be familiar with state law for Pennsylvania if you face DUI charges. Here’s a quick overview of when Pennsylvania classifies a DUI […]

Sentencing Reform Advocates Say Pennsylvania is Paying Too Much for a Failing System

Van Jones, a political analyst with CNN, recently echoed the voices of many probation and parole reform activists in Pennsylvania when he said the system “is actually making it harder for people to get on their feet and get on with their lives.” There have been many critics who have long said the state’s probation […]


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